Running Through Lockdown

We were excited this week to share posts on our social media from some of our favourite running influencers with quotes on why they love running so much and how it not only helps their fitness levels but also their mental health.
These posts come at a time when a lot of us have started running for our daily exercise as the gyms closed earlier this year.
Here’s a quick roundup of what each of our running fanatics had to say!
Jermayne – @its_jermayne
"Running has benefitted my life in many ways, socially, mentally and physically, but for me what trumps them all is the mental benefits it provides. It allows me to zone out after a busy week of the every-day rat race and allows me to reconnect with myself and my thoughts. Running is a natural medicine which plays a big part in my life by offering a form of release, whilst also helping to recharge my batteries."
Ben – @ben_lynch
"Running for me is one of the purest ways to disconnect from the day to day routine. It gives back more than you need to put into it and the best part is anyone can do it!
Catherine – @catherine.s.s.
A silver lining of lockdown has been rediscovering my love of running. I used to enjoy competing in 10km races, half-marathons and even did a Tough Mudder but in recent years my training has concentrated around HIIT classes and sprinting indoors on a treadmill.
Long runs in the outdoors has allowed me to the time to take in and appreciate the beauty of the nature around me - it has become the highlight of my day and an instant mood booster for whenever I’ve been feeling low during this time!
Nadja - Sales Executive at Polly King
“Running makes me feel like I can escape from my everyday worries and help me view them from a more positive perspective. This has been particularly helpful during lockdown where there has been plenty of time to overthink, running helps me control my thoughts.”
Hannah – Business Director at Stylist
“Running makes me happy - It gives me a reason to press the pause button on things that are stressful or frustrating in the day. I completely let myself feel free when I run. The movement focuses my mind and I can feel that I have better control on my body. – Hannah, Business Director at Stylist